What are Food Grade Flavorings?
Flavorah’s flavors are made by extracting and combining the specific compounds like esters, essential oils, and oleoresins that make a smell and taste. This is an artform that goes back thousands of years with roots in the ancient art of perfumery. But now we use sophisticated lab tools to measure, match and make the flavoring.
Flavors are “Food Grade” when they use specific natural compounds and extracts or specific artificial ones that are generally recognized as safe for use in food (GRAS). Some compounds that smell nice are not safe to eat, so they may find their way into products like perfume, diffusers, and air fresheners, but not food grade flavors.
Flavor Concentrates are different
Unlike a concentrated fruit juices or extracts that contain all flavors into a smaller space by removing some water, a true liquid flavor concentrate builds from the individual compounds that make a flavor distinct, and then balances them in a highly concentrated liquid solvent like alcohol, propylene glycol or water.
Flavorah concentrates just contains the flavoring molecules and enough liquid for them to mix with. You get the same or better flavor profile without the calories, fibers, and nutrients that would come along with a fruit concentrate. The quality is controlled in each batch to make it the same flavor and potency every time.